5 Things I Wish I Knew... Before Buying My First Sex Doll
1. Research, Research, Research!
If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is! Just imagine, that doll you've been looking at for months, dreaming of daily, has just popped-up on sale on a new unfamiliar website. The photos look great, they are the same photos you've seen on legitimate websites... So it must be the same doll... right? Only it's half the price... The deal is too good to pass up... Think again!
There are a lot of disreputable dealers out there that are selling fake or knock-off dolls, or those that will gladly take your money and provide no doll at all. Many lesser-known sex doll shops can easily screengrab legitimate photos of legitimate dolls, and then use them as a "bait n' switch" scam... After all your research of narrowing down the doll you want, don’t make the mistake of pulling the trigger before the last and most important hurdle: Check the seller’s legitimacy. How can you do this? Look at the site's reviews on third party websites where the seller can't edit or manipulate the reviews. We (Silicone Lovers) use Trustpilot and also Yotpo. All our reviews are verified by Trustpilot and Yotpo. Both platforms have their own reputation to protect, if their review site becomes known for fake reviews, their whole business is ruined, so they work extremely hard to ensure the reviews on their site are genuine.
Be wary of "On-site reviews", they can be faked very easily, so be sure to ensure the reviews you are reading are on a legitimate platform. Check the reviews on The Doll Forum, and check to see if the vendor is a Verified Sex Doll Vendor on The Doll Forum. If you start to notice something doesn’t seem right, trust your gut, don't get scammed...
A good price from a reputable dealer means you get an after-sales warranty, and a genuine doll that with proper care and maintenance will last many years. That imitation doll might save you upfront, but the cost over time will be far worse if it breaks or falls apart after just a few months or even weeks, not to mention the lack of health and safety checks. I'm not sure about you, but I'd be wary of putting my body parts inside a cheap replica sex doll from a black market vendor...
2. Check the weight, some of these gals are heavy!
Unless you’re quite buff and can easily bench press another human - consider the weight of your doll before clicking buy.
Personally, I’m no gym shark... So when I ended up with a 100 pound (7 stone / 45 kg) doll, I thought I would have to leave her exactly where I unpacked her. Not only could I not carry her around easily, but I also had trouble storing her. I had trouble posing her for photographs – everything was just that little bit harder.
I wish I had thought more about the weight and chosen a lighter doll like the WM 157cm B cup. For me, this doll is an optimum weight that I can handle easily...
There are of-course smaller dolls and even torso sex doll, whatever your physical capabilities, the market has you covered.
If you made the mistake, don’t fret, heavier dolls can be amazing, they're thicc and curvy and sexy as hell and you will get better at handling her with time... It's just best to be armed with the knowledge of your doll's weight before you go ahead and make the commitment... Our dolls can be sorted by weight on the side menu, for your viewing pleasure...
3. Home photoshoots are awesome and you'll probably end up doing one yourself... Be prepared with outfits and accessories!
"...I bought this doll for one purpose and one purpose only, I’m not interested in the posing and the photography and the hairstyles."
Those were some of my thoughts before I purchased my first doll. They shrivelled like a lost lettuce at the back of the fridge as soon as I got the box open. These dolls are so lifelike you will be utterly compelled to take photographs. I challenge anyone to tell me they’ve never taken a photo or video of their doll, or put their doll’s hair in a bun - or at the very least - contemplated googling: “how to do the Princess Leia hairdo”.
Did I have any hair clips or hair bands on hand that first day? Did I have lingerie? Did I have any clothes at all? I did not, and I was kicking myself.
4. Get familiar with cleaning and maintenance.
As soon as you press click and commit to your new companion, you've also committed to cleaning and maintenance.
Cleaning is essential. You need to be familiar and realistic with how you will clean your doll. Have a cleaning regime planned. Dolls come with an irrigator and it’s recommended to use water mixed with a gentle diluted soap solution. Proper drying after cleaning is key to getting your doll to last a long time.
Our FAQ is an excellent resource for cleaning and maintenance, and we have a whole information page on How to clean and maintain your sex doll (Properly).
We’ve also blogged about repairs on our blog post: How to fix and repair a TPE sex doll?
Both of these pages are great resources and includes video tutorials.
One thing I didn’t know is that I needed to be prepared to glue on nails, eyelashes, pop eyes back into their sockets and fix the occasional tear on the “skin” of the doll. If your doll is made from TPE it can become stained, so it’s best to order some Emergency TPE Glue and Stain Remover, It’s much better to be safe than sorry, especially when you’re new to dolls.
5. It’s hard to stop at one (Sex Doll).
I didn’t think I’d be that guy, but be prepared... Your first doll may not be the last! It’s much more likely that your first is merely the start of your collection. As your doll develops her(/his) personality and you begin interacting with others on The Doll Forum, it is very easy to start thinking: “what if…” and “oh.. she looks nice..." And with all the new developments and technology that becomes available, there’s always something later and greater coming along. It’s a journey, it’s a lifestyle, and you’re part of the club now.
(Oh, and always remember to reassure your first doll: "Darling, it’s not cheating, it’s just sharing the love!")