This month, everyone is talking about Real Oral Structure (ROS), so we’re answering all the big questions: 

  1. What is Real Oral Structure (in a Sex Doll)?
  2. How do I get Real Oral Structure?
  3. Which brands are working on ROS for near future release? 
  4. Is there any extra cost?
  5. View ROS dolls.

Just before we get into it, here's a little background info on how we got here. This month, Zelex launched their highly anticipated Inspiration Series, and let me tell you; everyone’s mouths were agape when they revealed the big upgrade. 

Impressively, the Inspiration Series upgrade includes softer gel breasts, softer gel butt, the ability to choose your own labia insert, and an upgrade to their skin painting to make it more durable, all of which are very impressive and an awesome leap forward in the doll industry. But most importantly, they also released 3 new head designs that include a new and relatively unheard of upgrade named "Realistic Oral Structure" or ROS. This feature, until now has been unprecedented in the doll world, and now it's here, it feels like our prayers have  been answered, our dreams have come true... the upgrade we all wanted is finally here... could it be... is it true...? Y'all know what I'm talkin' about right? Gather around my dear friends, the time has come... Mind blowing-ly realistic blowjobs from your favourite sex doll have finally arrived, and they call it... R-O-S. 

It’s such a new feature that we haven’t quite landed on a name – you might hear Real Oral Sex, Real Oral Structure, Realistic Oral Sex, Replication or Restoration of Oral Structure – or some combination of these, but it seems ROS is going to be the agreed acronym!

What is Real Oral Structure (in a Sex Doll)?

So, what is the deal with ROS, what is it? Well, before ROS, 99% of sex doll heads have been fairly static, with the exception of a very small number of brands including Top Sino, who have offered movable jaws for some time. However, the Top Sino jaws are a fairly simple upgrade compared to ROS. The Top Sino jaws don't move a huge amount and it doesn't provide any kind of oral capability. These previous upgrades were nice for realistic looks and a slight change of facial expression for photography, which is fantastic for a lot of doll photography lovers, but not great for oral lovers.

For a very long time it seemed for anyone who wanted a sex doll with oral capability, the only answer was a TPE head, until Starpery introduced a soft silicone head (at a reasonable price) with a simple oral chamber, similar to TPE heads. The oral chamber introduced by Starpery was an awesome first step, but it still had drawbacks. TPE heads have had oral capability for a while, and dolls made in TPE in general are notoriously more flexible than silicone. TPE can be made with a texture similar to how the internals of a vagina/anus is made, and TPE heads can be made with the much coveted enhanced mouth – an oral chamber with a soft tongue inside. For silicone heads, we haven’t had that, and for TPE heads we haven’t had the movable jaw, so one of the drawbacks to TPE oral has always been that the face and eyes bulge as you are effectively pushing TPE material out of the way. To put it simply, there has always been a drawback with oral sex and sex dolls, that is, until now... 


Realistic blowjobs from your favourite sex doll have finally arrived, and they call it... ROS. 


Introducing ROS, the solution we have all been waiting for! ROS is an upgrade available for silicone dolls that includes an ultra soft silicone openable mouth with a fully movable jaw! Inside the mouth includes super soft silicone teeth and realistic movable tongue and a textured palate on the entire mouth chamber. To say it's realistic would be an understatement, it's amazing. Ultra-real blowjobs on tap with super realistic silicone heads are finally here. Say goodbye to eye bulging, say hello to the best blow job you've ever had (from a sex doll). It's like the enhanced mouth upgrade (which is awesome), but better, much better. 


Real Oral Structure for Sex Dolls


Not convinced? Check out the Game Lady video for the Real Oral Structure featuring the newly released Tifa head with movable jaw (skip to 0:25 if you want to see the real benefits 😉). It's quite incredible, the adjustable mouth, the softness of the tongue and teeth whilst maintaining the structure of the head (no eye bulge!), it's something we've never seen in the sex doll industry before. The time's they are a-changin' people!   



How do I get Real Oral Structure?

Okay, so you're interested... and now you want to know which brands have ROS available at the moment? 

ROS can't be added to all silicone heads just yet, it's not available as a stand-alone upgrade. At the moment, it's only available on selected head models. Fortunately, we've listed below all the brands we know (so far) that have released a product that can be ordered with ROS right now, so there's no need to wait, you can order it today, right this second, it's out people! ROS is released and available for everyone, but you'll need to purchase one of the heads listed below if you want to experience it. Of course, you can customise any silicone doll to include any of these heads (assuming the brand offers ROS - see below), so there's no need to buy Same as photo if you don't want to! 

Zelex - As mentioned earlier, they have 12 heads so far (as of October 22, 2023). The Zelex heads that feature ROS by default are the GE94 (and makeup variants GE94_1GE_94_2), GE95 (and makeup variants GE95_1, GE95_2 and GE95_3), GE97 (and makeup variants GE97_1 and GE97_2), GE108 (and makeup variants GE108_1 and GE108_2), GE02, GE116, GE114, GE115, GE107 (and makeup variants GE107_1 and GE107_2), GE03 (incl GE03_1 and GE03_2), GE14 and GE16. 

Heads GE94_1 and GE_94_2 are new versions of the popular Carmen (GE45) head, except these versions include ROS. The only difference between these two heads are the makeup options (notably different eyebrow shape). The GE95 also includes ROS by default, it's a new version of the head we know as Daisy (GE53).

Update Oct 2023: This is the list of original heads with their ROS / movable jaw counterparts:

Original / ROS
GE45 = GE94
GE07 = GE97
GE53 = GE95 
GE17Z = GE108
GE46 = GE02
GE49 = GE116
GE52 = GE114
GE55 = GE115
GE57 = GE107
GE70 = GE03
GE76 = GE16
GE109 = GE14


  Zelex Sex Doll Head GE94 Zelex Sex Doll Head GE94_2 Zelex Sex Doll Head GE95


Game Lady – Currently just the one offering, but she's absolutely gorgeous, and technically she's actually the debut sex doll that introduced ROS to the world. Game Lady released this beautiful model in September 20222 without any major announcements, she almost went under the radar! The Game Lady ROS head is movable jaw version of the original Tifa head. This head features identical upgrades to the Zelex ROS heads. 

Update October 2023:
Ciri, Yennefer, Lara, Tifa and Aerith ROS movable jaws have arrived! 


Game Lady 167cm Sex Doll with Tifa Movable Mouth


Game Lady - 167cm Tifa with Realistic Mouth Structure


Sino Doll – The Top Sino range already have a movable mouth which provides a few cm of movement in the jaw, but there is currently no oral capability and is not to be mistaken for ROS. Now, Sino Doll have announced that heads T21 and T22 will have a non-oral sex capable oral structure if you pay for their upgrade known as RSS+. Regarding the original Top Sino heads, only the T1 head can have this new oral structure for now. There is yet to be images but from what we understand it will just have a realistic looking mouth inside, but no oral capable texture/chamber beyond the mouth opening. 


JY Doll – JY announced that their new head named Yunxi will be their first head to get Real Oral Structure, it is a silicone head. JY Doll claims their Yunxi head features identical ROS upgrades to the Zelex ROS heads. 

Which brands are working on ROS for near future release? 

WM Doll – WM announced that a number of their heads would be getting the Real Oral Structure. Currently ready for production is the 120 head, 273, 70, 85, 159, 398, 400, 432, 436, 452, 266 and 198. Don't worry, in the coming months, WM will also add the ROS upgrade to even more heads. WM will be offering ROS for their TPE heads, for now. They have stated that the plan is to put it in their silicone heads over time. We do not have a release date for the upcoming ROS heads mentioned above, but we will update this blog when we do! For now though, check out their preview video below.


Irontech – So far, Irontech have S1, S17, S18, S20, S26, S29, S37, and S40 which have a moving jaw and oral structure. 


Starpery – the brand that pushed oral in silicone heads across the industry has released ROS in the Hedy and Roseanne heads.


Elsa Babe – Elsa Babe is taking the plunge with ROS and has released the upgrade option across most of their heads - get in touch for more info!


SE Doll – currently in testing phase, SE Doll will be releasing it for their TPE heads in the near future. Keep an eye out! 


Gynoid – A few months ago Gynoid announced oral capability in their Xiang head, which is an interesting move for them as they have typically resisted these kinds of features in the past. Currently, no plans for ROS have been announced. We will update this section as we learn more, so check back!

What’s the cost of ROS?

The good news is, for Zelex dolls and Game Lady, it’s completely free at the moment! This might change in the coming months as we suspect it's part of a new feature release promotion, but if you want it now, Zelex have the most head options with ROS, they invented ROS, and they are giving it away for free... (also includes soft head upgrade by default). Seem like a no-brainer right now. With that said, it’s so new that most brands haven’t quite landed on an RRP price yet. Zelex and Game Lady will be free for now. If you choose one of the ROS heads from Zelex/Game Lady you will receive a soft head for free.

WM have not decided on a price yet, but keep a close eye on this page for updates, we're just as keen to see the new range from WM as you are!

JY have decided to charge for the option (no surprise there) and we will update the website accordingly.

Sino Doll’s ROS is only available when you pay for RSS+ so this has a high cost of entry.

Irontech price also will be determined soon – check back for updates or get in touch!

As you can tell, we're pretty excited about this upgrade, it's been a long time coming and judging by the excitement in the community, and the overwhelming customer response, we think just about everyone who likes silicone sex dolls will be pleased with this upgrade, and the fact that it is currently free with some dolls  makes this upgrade completely irresistible. 

Click the button below to view all our preconfigured ROS dolls now. These particular dolls are preconfigured, so if you select Same as photo, you'll get ROS (Real Oral Structure). Enjoy. 


Nick Love